Hello, I’m Shannon!

My name is Shannon, and I’m one of the longest serving members of Team Ethan. 

I’m married to Matt, and have three beautiful step-kids Ellie, Layla and Lewis and my own little girl Billy who is not quite one yet. I have two cats, Puss and Lilly, AKA my other children! I love traveling, eating good food and watching documentaries about anything and everything.

I started working in disability five years ago after a big career change from the corporate world. Ethan was one of the very first people I worked for after completing my studies. I’d not had any experience with using equipment, so I was pretty nervous to start, but it turned out this was the best training ground I could have asked for.

Ethan and Maureen have always supported ‘newbies’ and have proven time and time again that getting the right match and connection with support workers is a hundred times more important than experience. You can learn anything, but you can’t learn good working relationships!

I’ve been working with Ethan for 4.5 years now. As we always like to say, we’ve gradually grown into an old married couple. As stubborn as each other and we sometimes butt heads! But we’re a well oiled machine and have a mutual affection and respect for each other. 

I support Ethan with his personal care routines, (we counted nearly 600 showers now!), I’m the resident ironer, and help with anything else that needs to be done around the house. I’m also a photographer and a creative, so it’s been the perfect match for helping Ethan with setting up his logo, website, and content needed to make this business dream come true. 

It’s been a privilege to watch Ethan grow and thrive in many different ways over the years. When he commits to something he never gives up, and he has achieved so much despite many knock backs and personal challenges. I’ve watched as he’s slowly built a sturdy and reliable team around him, and it’s honestly been the best thing to happen for both he and Maureen. Ethan can only be as independent as the support he has around him, and it’s plain to see that his future is bright and full of many opportunities with Team Ethan by his side.