I’d like to say thanks to…

  • Steve Cooper, Illustrator

    Hello, my name is Steve Cooper and I’m a good friend of Ethan’s family. It was such a privilege to help illustrate a logo for Ethan’s new business. I tried to capture his cheekiness in a caricature style, and included his support team who make up Team Ethan. I wish Ethan every success in his new business venture. Go Team Ethan!

  • This One Day Photography

    Hello, my name is Shannon and while I’m part of Team Ethan in a support capacity, I’m also a photography and creative, which came in handy for Ethan’s business dreams! I’ve been able to collaborate with Ethan on designing his logo, building his website and looking after the photography.

  • Insider Studios

    Special thanks to Sam and John at Insider Studios who helped to turn Steve’s illustration of Ethan’s logo into a digital file. John did an amazing job at keeping the integrity of Steve’s illustration, while turning it into an image that we could use to print on anything.